Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3

Today we are going to explain the set for Shadow 2 (Dark Emperors) in Inazuma Eleven 3, which is a fairly powerful striker.

How to Scout Torch Inazuma Eleven 3

Vending Machine: Liocott area of Brazil with the blue chip.


Stattoos, techniques and equipment

In this case we will highlight its great dribble and apart from that a good shot capable of scoring against several goalkeepers. He also has a blocking technique that can be useful to steal the ball from defenders.


  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3-> / Ogre Boots (+18 kick) Inazuma boots also work.
  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3-> / Gold Shield Pendant (+15 physical),
  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3-> / Strongest bracelet (+20 guts)

Basic techniques:

  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Big Moves (+20% power to all player techniques and + power in mini-duels)
  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Dark Tornado (Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3, power=57)
  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Shadow Stitch (Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3, power=58)
  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Lethal Triangle 2 / Death Zone 2 (Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3, power=120)

Added techniques: 

  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Put Your Back Into It (+20% power to all player techniques)
  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Field of Force(Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3, power=106)

We see that Shadow has a pretty good power in dribbling and shooting. However, there is the possibility of getting even more power in shooting if we add Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Chaos Break but in exchange we must replace it with Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3

Field of Force, which would mean we would be left without a dribble. I sincerely prefer to be able to dribble and get a little less power in the shot, but it will all depend on your way of playing.

Player power

As we can see, Shadow brings out a pretty decent power in all his super techniques.

  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Dark Tornado = 334-403 in its neutral form and 367-441 If we have element advantage
  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Shadow Stitch = 277-333in its neutral form and 304-366 If we have element advantage
  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Lethal Triangle 2 / Death Zone 2= 475-570 in its neutral form and 522-626 If we have element advantage
  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Field of Force = 393-472 in its neutral form and 433-520 If we have element advantage

In the case of replacing dribbling with a better shot (I wouldn't do it):

  • Shadow Set 2 Forward in Inazuma Eleven 3 Chaos Break=510-612 in its neutral form and 560-672 If we have element advantage


Here I leave you the .PLA file or a cheat so you can have Shadow 2 already trained in your team.

Overall rating

Shadow is a great striker who can dribble past many defenders and also has the ability to score goals against most goalkeepers in the game. He shares many similarities with Wittz.


Coming Soon...


My name is Socthar, though many know me as Scontra. I am a competitive Inazuma Eleven player and a creator of cheats for the Nintendo DS and 3DS. Over the past few years, I have developed codes not found on typical cheat collection sites for games such as Pokémon, Yo-Kai Watch, and Inazuma Eleven. These cheats offer unique and novel ways to explore these games. Currently, I continue to develop new cheats and write content about Inazuma Eleven.

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