New news about Inazuma Eleven Victory Road

Today, Level 5 Vision took place, an event where news about the company's new games is discussed, and as expected, new news about Inazuma Eleven Victory Road was discussed.

For starters, the game will be delayed until June 2025, so we'll have to wait. It's not the first time the company has promised a certain date and then ended up changing it. We'll see what happens this time. The number of available players up to the 5200This is absolutely outrageous and will allow us to use any player in the series.

New news about Inazuma Eleven Victory Road

One of the novelties is the implementation of a skill treeUnlocking a character's skill tree allows you to determine their path and progression in terms of stats and techniques.

Inazuma Eleven Victory Road skill tree

También se ha 'creado' el Bond Link, which is a system that allows us to make links between characters to improve the team's general abilities. I say created in quotes because this mechanic was already present in the Inazuma Eleven Strikers games, however this will be the first time it is used in a video game of the main saga.

Bond Link Inazuma Eleven Victory Road

Another new feature is the creation of a Avatar Mode en el que podrás crear tu propio personaje y modificar su aspecto, además de entrenarlo para poderle usar en partidos de todos los modos de juego. Esto es muy similar al modo de juego 'Clubes Pro' del FIFA, donde puedes hacer las mismas funciones.

Inazuma Eleven Victory Road Avatar Mode

Along with the above, the following has been created: Bond Town ModeIn this mode we can create our own city with the objects and characters we get in the other game modes. In addition, we can also play football or participate in minigames with other players. Finally, we will have the opportunity to connect to their own cities.

Finally, it should be noted that new characters have been introduced whose names are: Nikas Himmelstein, Ivan Mercer and Alice RendellWe'll see what relevance they acquire in the game's history.

New news about Inazuma Eleven Victory Road
Alice Rendell

These are all the new features that have been presented about Inazuma Eleven Victory Road at the Level 5 Vision that took place today. What do you think? Are you hyped for the game? Let me know in the comments! In fact, this is not the only thing about Inazuma Eleven that has been presented at the Level 5 Vision, as it has also been Inazuma Eleven 1 Remake Announced for Nintendo Switch, Ps4, Ps5 and PcI recommend you take a look at my post if you want to know more information. Thanks for reading!


My name is Socthar, though many know me as Scontra. I am a competitive Inazuma Eleven player and a creator of cheats for the Nintendo DS and 3DS. Over the past few years, I have developed codes not found on typical cheat collection sites for games such as Pokémon, Yo-Kai Watch, and Inazuma Eleven. These cheats offer unique and novel ways to explore these games. Currently, I continue to develop new cheats and write content about Inazuma Eleven.

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