How to use NoFarmForMe3 in Inazuma Eleven

As many of you know, the community has been creating and discovering many tools that make it much easier for us to obtain certain players, techniques, etc. Today I am going to explain everything about the NFFM3 (NoFarmForMe3) in Inazuma Eleven.

What is NoFarmForMe3?

He NoFarmForMe3 It is a very complete program created by Mimic that allows training statistics, leveling techniques, get all items, etc en varios juegos de la saga. Estos juegos son Inazuma Eleven 3 (versión de 3ds), Inazuma Eleven Go, Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stones and Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy. Sin embargo, todo lo que he nombrado no está disponible en Inazuma Eleven 3. Aquí solo está disponible la opción de store players como si el “PC” de Pokémon se tratase.

Uno de los “problemas” que tiene Inazuma Eleven 3 es que solo puedes tener a 100 players on your team. And this can sometimes be annoying, since in order to sign a new player you need to kick one out of the team. However, with this program we can make this not a problem for us.

¿Cómo importar y exportar jugadores con el NoFarmForMe3?

Ahora vamos a aprender a “almacenar” , es decir, importar y exportar jugadores.

  • The first thing we are going to do is open the program. Once this is done, we click on File->Open and select our save (the .data para Inazuma Eleven 3 o el archivo .ie para los juegos de la saga Go). También basta con arrastrar el save a la aplicación.
How to use NoFarmForMe3 in Inazuma Eleven
  • As we can see, the save has loaded correctly and the players of our team appear on the screen. Now we are going to distinguish the two possible cases: import and export
    • Export: This is useful for saving players, so that in the event that we have to expel them from the team, we can recover them. To do this, what you have to do is Select a player->File->Export player. This will give us a result .pla file which contains the player's information so that we can put him back into our game whenever we want.
    • Matter: This is useful for adding a player to our team. It may be because we expelled him or simply because we don't have him and we want to sign him in an easier way. (note, for the latter you depend on a person who created the .pla file for said player)To do this, what you have to do is click on File->Import Player. In the hypothetical case that we have the full team, that is, 100 players, we must Select a player->File->Import player. This will replace the selected player with the player from the .pla file, so it's best to always have some free slots on your team.
How to use NoFarmForMe3 in Inazuma Eleven
  • Once this is done we only have to save the save. To do this we click on File->Save. Now we just have to open it on our Nintendo 3DS or Citra

Descargar NoFarmForMe3 + .pla files

Una vez explicado todo esto vais a poder descargar el NoFarmForMe3 haciendo click en este link: NoFarmForMe3 Download. Además vais a poder descargar las plantillas de muchos jugadores here. AND what are they used for these files? Mainly people usually use them to check in players already trained, save templates of players trained with different methods, get exclusive players de ciertas versiones,….

Junto a lo comentado anteriormente, os voy a dejar un link en el que podréis descargar otros archivos .pla para el NFFM3 distintos al enlace de arriba. Estos han sido creados por ToniGamer, a guy who knows quite a bit about Inazuma Eleven 3 so I recommend you follow him.

You can also join Mimi's Discord server by clicking here.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Remember that you can follow me on my social networks. See you soon and thanks for reading!

5 thoughts on “Cómo usar el NoFarmForMe3 en Inazuma Eleven”

  1. Hello! How can I access the save file? Instead of Citra I use my pirated 3DS and I can't find the ina3O_data.sav file anywhere on the SD card. I've tried to make backups but nothing.

    All the best.

  2. There is no unedited Ekadel .pla file? The one that exists is one in which he has been converted to DL (Changing his original 4 techniques) and I would like to use it as DF.

    All the best.

    1. Hello!!! Well, the truth is that I don't know; if it weren't for the worst, I could create one myself, but I don't know when because I'm a bit busy lately hahaha

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