Signing players with password in Inazuma Eleven 2
Today I bring you the passwords (in different languages) to sign certain players in Inazuma Eleven 2To sign these players, you must go to the caravan and the transfer machine.
There select the option Browse->Name and enter the codes that I will leave you below.
Japanese version:
- File = ファイルでバトル
- Ichimonji = りょく
- Card = カードつかおうぜ
- Daruma = ドはく
- Tsubasa = Tsubasa
- Sekiyan = めいじん
- Pack = パックにキラキラ
- Kamimaru = わらいと
English version:
- Colin Binder = allinorder
- Mitch Blackston = stitchedup
- Rob Cardson = fullhouse
- Bob Daruma = backothenet
- Casey Leather = whatabelter
- Ken Mayfield = grandmaster
- Larry Pogue = lotsofswaps
- Ethan Swallow = onemeheadson
Italian version:
- Colin Binder = lamatta
- Mitch Blackston = nineteen point
- Rob Cardson = rubamazzo
- Bob Daruma = elmodifuoco
- Casey Leather = tuttoriccio
- Ken Mayfield = espertone
- Larry Pogue = non-barbarous
- Ethan Swallow = pallafissa
French version:
- Colin Binder = b00st3r
- Mitch Blackston = b4l4fre0e1l
- Rob Cardson = tr4d1ngc4rd
- Bob Daruma = c4squ3r0nd
- Casey Leather = pO1vre3sel
- Ken Mayfield = asd1nazuma
- Larry Pogue = d3ck2j3u
- Ethan Swallow = b4ll0n2f00t
German version:
- Colin Binder = trumpfhand
- Mitch Blackston = elfmetertor
- Rob Cardson = fullhouse
- Bob Daruma = full span
- Casey Leather = Vollinsnetz
- Ken Mayfield = Big Master
- Larry Pogue = joker
- Ethan Swallow = weitschuss
Spanish version:
- Colin Binder = elbarajas
- Mitch Blackston = everything rigged
- Rob Cardson = triodeases
- Bob Daruma = asdelcesped
- Casey Leather = todouncrack
- Ken Mayfield = Grandmaster
- Larry Pogue = silent
- Ethan Swallow = headless
If you want to sign more interesting players, I recommend you read my article about the Franky Method. Thanks for reading!
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