Cómo hacer las DESCARGAS Inazuma Eleven 1, 2 y 3

Since the official Nintendo DS servers were closed many years ago, it was impossible to connect to the Internet to play online or access downloadable content, as is the case with Inazuma Eleven. However, today we can access all these features thanks to our smartphone.

Today we are going to explain How to download Inazuma Eleven 1-2-3 y en cualquier otro juego de Nintendo DS que requiera conectarse a un servidor para descargar contenido adicional de los juegos. Este método es válido para descargar contenido de otros juegos de Nintendo DS como Pokemon,etc

Steps to follow:

  • 1?? Well, first of all, we need a mobile phone with internet connection (NO WIFI, with mobile data)
  • 2?? Vamos a "CWF de Nintendo"
Cómo hacer las DESCARGAS Inazuma Eleven 1, 2 y 3
  • 3?? Seleccionamos "Conexión 1" y buscamos un punto de acceso (como en la foto)
Cómo hacer las DESCARGAS Inazuma Eleven 1, 2 y 3
  • 4?? Before searching for a hotspot you must set your mobile data connection to public, i.e. without a password (everyone will be able to access it for a few seconds). This is what MOST IMPORTANT of the process, if done in another way IT WILL NOT WORK
Cómo hacer las DESCARGAS Inazuma Eleven 1, 2 y 3
  • 5??Once this is done We select our network (en mi caso "Ponche")
Cómo hacer las DESCARGAS Inazuma Eleven 1, 2 y 3
  • 6?? Cuando la prueba de conexión acaba, le damos a "Wifi connection settings"
Cómo hacer las DESCARGAS Inazuma Eleven 1, 2 y 3
  • 7??Now we change to is not the option to obtain the DNS automatically and we enter this in Primary and secondary DNS. Once this is done, we save the changes and return to the game.
Cómo hacer las DESCARGAS Inazuma Eleven 1, 2 y 3
  • 8??Now we are going to Downloads, Nintendo CWF and we download the new content

*The images have been taken from the channel Puncho Deistar, who despite not discovering this method, was the Spanish-speaking person who uploaded the video explaining this and who had the greatest impact

Well, that would be all, I hope you liked it. See you soon 🙂


My name is Socthar, though many know me as Scontra. I am a competitive Inazuma Eleven player and a creator of cheats for the Nintendo DS and 3DS. Over the past few years, I have developed codes not found on typical cheat collection sites for games such as Pokémon, Yo-Kai Watch, and Inazuma Eleven. These cheats offer unique and novel ways to explore these games. Currently, I continue to develop new cheats and write content about Inazuma Eleven.

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  1. Josu Fradejas Rodríguez says:

    As a recommendation, I tried it three times from a 2DS and it didn't work. However, I tried it again and on the fourth was successful.

    Waiting for them to release a method for IE 3 on 3DS, and make a good donation! ??

    1. Socthar says:

      Thank you so much!!!! 🙂

  2. JoFra says:

    Hola! Llevo tiempo queriendo hacer las descargas en IE3 para 3DS. ¿Existe algún método? Sería increíble descubrirlo y poder hacer las descargas en esos juegos. Muchas gracias!

  3. Freyen says:

    It also works in drastic, because I tried it and it didn't work

    1. Socthar says:

      Initially it was only for NDS since I don't know anyone who has tried it on an emulator. And if you say it doesn't work, it's probably not working, among other things because emulators don't usually include the cwf configuration of the console and all that (I think).

  4. Mts says:

    How can I make my data public?

    1. Socthar says:

      quita la contraseña. Donde pone seguridad (que estará por defecto en WPA2 o WPA3) le das a "abierta". Tambien asegurate que donde pone "banda" esté marcada la opción de 2.4 GHz, ya que la Nintendo DS al ser vieja no soporta redes con bandas de 5 GHz. Espero que esto te sirva 🙂

      1. Ander Guerras says:

        Do you know how to do the open access point on iPhone?

      2. Socthar says:

        I have no idea, I have Android 🙁

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