Well people, today I bring you a set of Teal Redsky (Grid) in Inazuma Eleven 3. In this case Its function is to carry the SaM either Always to Death whose effect is that Raise the team's PR when you are losingo. More specifically a 5% For every goal you receive, that is, if you are losing 1-0, power up one 5% the pr of the techniques of the whole team; if you are losing 2-0, a 10%; if you are losing 3-0, a 15%, etc, etc


Base stats at level 99:

Basic techniques:

  • Always to Death (+5% to the PR of the entire team's techniques for each goal you lose)
  • Pirouette shot (, power=30)
  • Throw dynamite (, power=51)
  • Cross-fire (, power=130)
  • Player Affinity=

Training method: MEPC or Araromethod

  • MEPC = apply the spread that you have to take out
  • Araromethod= 32 32 32 C9 32 E3 C9 (defensive, df key)

Techniques to add:

  • Put Your Back Into It! (+20% power of techniques)
  • Big Moves (+20% power of techniques and help in mini-duels)
  • V2: You could also have opted to use MG and Elemental Charge (EC), but losing PR in miniduels and the fact that Feldt2 is not the goalkeeper that the opponent is using, makes me lean towards this option even if he only shoots once. Another option would be UT and CE, since here you wouldn't lose PR in miniduels and you would be able to use more techniques since with Dynamite Shot and Pirouette Shot you would still score a goal (the same as with MG), but if your opponent doesn't have Feldt2 it makes him vulnerable; you choose his moveset, I've left you with the one I have.

So it looks like this:

With the corresponding kits

He can* of the techniques would be:

  • Pirouette shot: 267-321 until 294-355 (if you win in affinity)
  • Throw dynamite: 316-379 until 348-416 (if you win in affinity)
  • Cross-fire: 493-591 until 541-650 (if you win in affinity)

*Note: This power is with the key in Defenses. Below I will leave you the PR for DL key. This PR also includes bonuses and strengths. In this case the effect of SaM is not applied either..

Araromethod (DL key): 32 32 C8 C9 32 32 E4

NFFM: download the .PLA file here

PR (DL key):

  • Pirouette shot: 302-360 until 332-394 (if you win in affinity)
  • Throw dynamite: 349-420 until 385-462 (if you win in affinity)
  • Cross-fire: 529-632 until 582-694 (if you win in affinity)

We can conclude by making an assessment of the player:

  • Good basic techniques (crossfire + SaM)
  • Put Feldt2 and therefore any goalkeeper in the game (currently) unless it is a mountain one with CE
  • Doesn't throw out two techniques if you use this set of UT and MG
  • He has no dribble

This forward can be a good alternative to other SaM, which when you use them, you lose power in their respective position; here however you continue to score goals. The bad thing is that you have to sacrifice dribble, but there are strikers with mediocre dribbling (who rarely dribble) like Discard who are used a lot anyway and who doesn't throw two techniques with this moveset. Here I also leave you the PR for miniduels with df key (this set and the d MG and CE, since the UT-CE one gets the same in miniduels as the one in this set and his PR is the same as the MG-CE one), dl key and also the video that I made in which I explain this set in more detail.

Miniduels key df
Pr MG, CE df key
PR key dl

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