Técnicas ocultas Inazuma Eleven 3

Have you ever wanted to dig into Inazuma video games, to find data that was never included in the games? That's basically what I did.

It turns out that using Cheat Engine (tool with which you can level up players, etc, etc) I decided to put all the techniques to the maximum, that is, I found one and from that I put each one at 99. To my surprise I found one Japanese dribbling technique that consumes 15 PT and? has no affinity. Unfortunately, when performing the technique the animation is skipped and therefore nothing is seen. This is because the technique must have been discarded before performing the animation for it.

Video using the technique

*Note: This technique is also achieved using the cheat to set all techniques to x99 on 3DS

But this is not all, since yesterday Araro, published on his Twitter new hidden techniques within the game. In this case, they are talents that change the player's affinity. Ya sabéis cuáles son las afinidades de Inazuma Eleven, pero por si acaso os las recuerdo: fuego, aire, montaña y bosque. A continuación os voy a enseñar a cómo aprender dichos talentos, ya que investigué y conseguí los códigos de esas técnicas.

What you have to do is locate the player's techniques. How do you do that? Very easy. You have to look for the player's experience in the game. Cheat Engine. In my case I have been lucky because there have been few results and you can guess by eye, but if you get a lot of results, what you should do is enter the experience, play a game and re-enter the new experience by clicking on new scan.

Técnicas ocultas Inazuma Eleven 3
Localized experience through Cheat Engine

In case you have a player at level 99, you can use This method which was discovered thanks (also) to Araro. You could also do the same thing I did, but using a lower level player who is positioned after the player we want to assign the technique to, although in words it is more complicated than Araro's (although in reality it takes less time).

Well once you have located the player's experience, you give CTRL + B and A new window will open. The first thing you need to do there is locate player level in hexadecimal (in this case 20 is 14 in hexadecimal, you just have to divide the number by 16 and put the remainder in as well). After that we proceed to add the technique: what is in the red box are the player techniques (each technique occupies 2 slots and there are 12 in total, which makes it possible to learn 6 techniques) while what is in blue It is the player level. Well, what you have to do is add the code 51 00 and 50 00 in the last 4 spaces of the red box (you can also add it in the others, but you will replace the previous technique with the new one). To change to air and forest you have to put 4F 00 and 4E respectively

Técnicas ocultas Inazuma Eleven 3

Well, that would be it, The player would have learned two talents, both of which cause him to change affinity.

And the truth is that both work, here you can see that when you combine it with a player with any of those affinities, se combinan en ”dobles” y ”triples”

It is very curious that these hidden talents work since they do not even appear in the option to add them with cheats. What's more, if we go into the Cheat Engine itself and look for the descriptions of both techniques, we realize that The names of the techniques translated into Spanish also appear. being air ”¡Déjate llevar!”, forest ”¡Como un mono!”, fire ”¡A tope!” and mountain ”¡Inamovible!”

If you liked it you can stop by me channel since I will probably upload a video explaining this in more depth.

Thanks for reading!

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